For Birth & Re-Birth

Sound Healing - Therapeutic Voicework (Soul Voice Method) - Sound Acupuncture - Colour Therapy - Clinical Hypnotherapy - EFT/EMT
Pre/Postnatal SoundBaths - SoundBaths for All - Sounding for Birth - HypnoBirthing (The Mongan Method) - Prenatal Sound Therapy - Postnatal Sound Therapy - Birth Healing - Ancestral Healing - Baby Blessing Ceremonies (to celebrate motherhood and help souls incarnate)

Friday 15 June 2012

Day 10 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Yesterday I shared with you the making of this drum, today I hope you enjoy the discovery of what this drum is about...  Birth and Rebirth, this is what life is about.

Just enjoy!

Sound Blessings,


P.S. I haven't done any filming this week, Day 9 and 10 videos are from last weekend.  The making of these videos is a real growth process in terms of the contents I present, allowing myself to just be me, on camera.  I feel I very much need to go at my own pace but I've got a few topics that have started to line up, they usually come to me at night or on waking.  When the time is right I will share these with you. xxx

Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 9 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

This week has been a funny week for lots of people, including myself!  I've not been feeling so good in my skin, I guess we're still under the influence of last week's full moon and the solar eclipse, at least that's my excuse.

So finally the making of the drum.... of course in a beautiful setting where I feel at home with the birds, sheep, cat, dog...  I had such a great day!

I hope you enjoy the scenery.

Sound Blessings,


Monday 11 June 2012

Day 7 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Another video about prenatal patterns and how what we feel at birth is carried throughout life, mirrored by the world around.  Here I talk about a sense of safety and security, how the world mirrors this and whether we feed into this by absorbing all the bad news around us.  Discernment is essential in taking in all the information available to us out there.

When we are sensitive to our environment and what goes on in the world, better be selective about what we watch on TV and in the news.  Personally, I'm too 'sensitive', I don't watch TV, actually I don't have TV!


Sound Blessings,


Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 6 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

I've been a bit behind with my videos.  There's a lot more happening than just the making of these videos and I've also needed some stillness in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Today's topic is about what babies actually feel.  I hope that my story will help you.

Sound Blessings,


Friday 8 June 2012

Day 5 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Wow, I don't know where this video challenge is taking me... but it certainly is a challenge!

The world is our mirror!  What we see reflects what is within us and people on the outside merely trigger our emotional patterns and will do so until we learn the lessons and change our perspective.  Only then will we  stop manifesting those situations that make us feel the way we do over and over.

Are we ready to change the lens through which we see the world?

It's hard work, I know!  But it's worth it!

Til next time,

Sound Blessings,


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 4 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

There is no video 5 today but here is yesterday's which was born in the early hours this morning and I almost forgot to upload it on here!

I am finding it very challenging to have this out there, sharing my deepest self with the world and feeling rather exposed.  This is probably why there is no video 5 today.  But I do feel that the time has come for me to share my truth and step fully into who I have come here to be.  This involves teaching others from my own life experiences.  I appreciate that it's not going to be for everyone but I hope this will fall into the right souls in 'perfect' divine timing.

If I can make a difference to one single person in this world, then it will have been worth the effort.

Sound Blessings,


Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 3 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

This video is about my own experience of prenatal life and how it shaped my life.  I hope to be able to give you more details in the future but it would take far longer than this short video and talking about it is a process in itself.

I hope you enjoy this video!

Sound Blessings,


Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 2 of the 30-Day Business Challenge

Another long process to upload this video and another late night... Not sure I'm very happy with this one, I could have explained all this a bit better but nevermind... hey tomorrow is another day!

Sound Blessings,


Friday 1 June 2012

Day 1 of the 30-Day Business Challenge

Gosh I had lots of technical problems today and it's taken me forever to download this video!  I'm finally posting Day 1 with some delay.... it's now almost 3am on Day 2...

I'm off to bed now, I hope you enjoy the video nevertheless and I look forward to sharing some more with you tomorrow!

Sound Blessings,
