For Birth & Re-Birth

Sound Healing - Therapeutic Voicework (Soul Voice Method) - Sound Acupuncture - Colour Therapy - Clinical Hypnotherapy - EFT/EMT
Pre/Postnatal SoundBaths - SoundBaths for All - Sounding for Birth - HypnoBirthing (The Mongan Method) - Prenatal Sound Therapy - Postnatal Sound Therapy - Birth Healing - Ancestral Healing - Baby Blessing Ceremonies (to celebrate motherhood and help souls incarnate)

Friday 15 June 2012

Day 10 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Yesterday I shared with you the making of this drum, today I hope you enjoy the discovery of what this drum is about...  Birth and Rebirth, this is what life is about.

Just enjoy!

Sound Blessings,


P.S. I haven't done any filming this week, Day 9 and 10 videos are from last weekend.  The making of these videos is a real growth process in terms of the contents I present, allowing myself to just be me, on camera.  I feel I very much need to go at my own pace but I've got a few topics that have started to line up, they usually come to me at night or on waking.  When the time is right I will share these with you. xxx

Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 9 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

This week has been a funny week for lots of people, including myself!  I've not been feeling so good in my skin, I guess we're still under the influence of last week's full moon and the solar eclipse, at least that's my excuse.

So finally the making of the drum.... of course in a beautiful setting where I feel at home with the birds, sheep, cat, dog...  I had such a great day!

I hope you enjoy the scenery.

Sound Blessings,


Monday 11 June 2012

Day 7 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Another video about prenatal patterns and how what we feel at birth is carried throughout life, mirrored by the world around.  Here I talk about a sense of safety and security, how the world mirrors this and whether we feed into this by absorbing all the bad news around us.  Discernment is essential in taking in all the information available to us out there.

When we are sensitive to our environment and what goes on in the world, better be selective about what we watch on TV and in the news.  Personally, I'm too 'sensitive', I don't watch TV, actually I don't have TV!


Sound Blessings,


Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 6 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

I've been a bit behind with my videos.  There's a lot more happening than just the making of these videos and I've also needed some stillness in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Today's topic is about what babies actually feel.  I hope that my story will help you.

Sound Blessings,


Friday 8 June 2012

Day 5 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

Wow, I don't know where this video challenge is taking me... but it certainly is a challenge!

The world is our mirror!  What we see reflects what is within us and people on the outside merely trigger our emotional patterns and will do so until we learn the lessons and change our perspective.  Only then will we  stop manifesting those situations that make us feel the way we do over and over.

Are we ready to change the lens through which we see the world?

It's hard work, I know!  But it's worth it!

Til next time,

Sound Blessings,


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 4 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

There is no video 5 today but here is yesterday's which was born in the early hours this morning and I almost forgot to upload it on here!

I am finding it very challenging to have this out there, sharing my deepest self with the world and feeling rather exposed.  This is probably why there is no video 5 today.  But I do feel that the time has come for me to share my truth and step fully into who I have come here to be.  This involves teaching others from my own life experiences.  I appreciate that it's not going to be for everyone but I hope this will fall into the right souls in 'perfect' divine timing.

If I can make a difference to one single person in this world, then it will have been worth the effort.

Sound Blessings,


Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 3 of my 30-Day Video Challenge

This video is about my own experience of prenatal life and how it shaped my life.  I hope to be able to give you more details in the future but it would take far longer than this short video and talking about it is a process in itself.

I hope you enjoy this video!

Sound Blessings,


Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 2 of the 30-Day Business Challenge

Another long process to upload this video and another late night... Not sure I'm very happy with this one, I could have explained all this a bit better but nevermind... hey tomorrow is another day!

Sound Blessings,


Friday 1 June 2012

Day 1 of the 30-Day Business Challenge

Gosh I had lots of technical problems today and it's taken me forever to download this video!  I'm finally posting Day 1 with some delay.... it's now almost 3am on Day 2...

I'm off to bed now, I hope you enjoy the video nevertheless and I look forward to sharing some more with you tomorrow!

Sound Blessings,


Thursday 31 May 2012

Introduction Video to the "30-Day Business Challenge"

Wow!  1 Video per day for 30 days!  That's a challenge!

Eager to take my business to the next step (2012 is the time or never, isn't it?!) I recently decided to join this "30-Day Business Challenge" committing myself to joining a group of 30 amazing business women and producing 1 video per day for 30 days starting from 1st June!

So here is my first video! A pre-event video as way of introduction.  I have yet to record the others though!!!  I don't really have any idea where I'm going with this, I might soon regret taking this on as it's a lot of work and preparation about what it is I want to talk about... but I really feel that my message needs to be out there!  So, watch this space!

My main reasons for taking this challenge are mainly to spread the word about what I do, about my vision, bringing awareness and educating people about birth psychology, the impact of prenatal life and birth on our wellbeing as well as the ancestral patterns that we carry.  A whole topic that resonates very strongly with me.  I am not sure where this journey is taking me and it will no doubt be full of surprises, but it will hopefully support me in manifesting my vision.

So, just enjoy!  I do hope you will continue this journey with me.  Feel Free to post any questions or any comments you may have!  I will be posting my videos daily on this blog.

Sound Blessings,


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Hanna's Birth

Hanna, born on Saturday 19th November 2011 at 7.23pm
at Lewisham Birth Centre (water labour)

“My baby was to arrive in the middle of November. I was awaiting her impatiently.

My waters broke in the night, on Friday the 18th, about 11:30 pm. The surges started coming strong and quite regularly, about every 3-4 minutes. I called the Lewisham birthing centre and was advised to come over to be checked. I was staying calm and slow breathing through the surges.

We got to the birthing centre and it was confirmed that my waters indeed broke and all is well. However as I didn’t dilate enough at that stage, I was advised to go back home, relax and to call back in a couple hours… and so we did.

We got back home, I put on my relaxation music and was trying to have a nap. About 4 am I noticed that I was bleeding with bright red blood and wasn’t sure if that’s ok therefore I called the birthing centre again. They said to come over to be checked but this time to come to labour ward as they were not sure what was causing the bleeding.
We waited for about 45 mins in the labour ward to be seen. Then it turned out that all was good and the bleeding wasn’t something to worry about. The midwife who was checking me said that I was 7 cm open but that I would be giving birth in the labour ward. This wasn’t according to the plan but we agreed. I was taken to a separate room, however it had a strong ‘hospitaly’ feel, unlike the rooms in the birthing centre. By this time, the surges were coming regularly about 1 minute apart and they were quite strong. I did ask for gas and air but didn’t like it at all and gave it back.

Around 7 am, a midwife from the birthing centre came to see us, and when she found out that all was well, she said that we can come back downstairs to give birth in the birthing centre as originally planned (yuppieee!).

We got to one of the birthing suites and it was one with a birthing pool. I didn’t originally plan to give birth in a pool however as it was there, I thought that I’ll give it a go. And it was such a relief and very relaxing once I got in there. I had my music on, lights were dimmed, my husband was applying some acupressure during the surges and I stayed in water for the next 10 hours – you may only imagine how wrinkled I got! :-)

As time was passing by, I started to feel tired and falling asleep in the pool. The midwife advised that I should come out for a while and that we may try some other positions. They brought a birthing stool and a ball. After a check, it turned out that my baby got stuck a bit as she had one of her hands tangled by her chin. The surges started to weaken by this time and were coming less often. The midwife who was in charge of me was a bit concerned that I may be taken over by the labour ward again, she therefore asked for the consultation with the head of midwives in Lewisham hospital who came around and ‘ordered’ as follows: “Agnes, we need to move you so the surges kick in again, therefore – let’s turn the temperature down, make the lights bright, put some fast music on and let’s dance everyone!” and so we did! :-)

And it did work. Surges kicked in again and all went pretty quick from there. My daughter Hanna was born that Saturday evening at 7:23.  At the last stage however I was prompted to actively push and ended with a couple of stitches but once I got to hold my daughter in my arms, nothing mattered anymore.

I would recommend hypnobirthing classes to everyone and I’m so happy we did it. I think it helped me to understand the birthing, to feel relaxed about it and to allow it to come rather than ‘expect it in fear’. Hypnobirthing taught me that there’s so much more in labour than the physical process, that going through labour on a mental level is as, if not more important. My husband also enjoyed the classes and I loved how supportive he was throughout OUR birthing journey.”

Agnes & Piotr, Eltham